Erin Gibbs is the chief investment officer for Main Street Asset Management LLC. The firm provides private wealth management, investment advisory, and management consulting services to organizations and high-net-worth clients. Previously Ms. Gibbs was the equity chief investment officer of Standard & Poor's Investment Advisory Services (SPIAS) for S&P Investment Advisory Services where she was the portfolio manager on over $15 Billion of long-only equity products and oversaw all equity active portfolio strategies.
Erin will discuss the likelihood of a second wave of inflation, as well as what it means for policymakers and investors. Specifically, she will cover how Federal Reserve policy should evolve over the rest of 2024, and what kind of capital preservation strategies make the most sense in light of it.
Meet Erin Gibbs of Gibbs Wealth Management, LLC, to get her insights on the markets, economy, and more!
This is it: Your FINAL panel at the Las Vegas Symposium! Watch and learn as Charles and his three distinguished panelists share their parting advice and recommendations with you. You’ll get important picks you can put to work right away to maximize your profits in 2024-2025, as well as details on pitfalls to avoid. Do NOT miss this signature session.