December 1 - 3, 2025|Sarasota
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Bill Villafranco iamge

Bill Villafranco

Virginia B Toulmin Foundation

Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life and improving conditions for children and their families in selected communities across the United States. It will operate primarily in three areas and, in each, will look for opportunities to assist grantees to achieve financial sustainability and integrate educational opportunities into their programs.

Meet Bill Villafranco and Other Top Market Experts in Sarasota

Bill Villafranco's Schedule
Thursday, December 5, 2024, 2:25 pm - 3:10 pm
The Gift of Philanthropy: Virginia Toulmin, Her Legacy-Our Future
Bill Villafranco |Virginia B Toulmin Foundation

Join Bill Villafranco as he provides a brief history of Virginia, where she grew up, her family life, her professional life, her wonderful life in Sarasota, her passion for giving, her philosophy of giving, some of her charities she supported, her estate plan, and the ramifications of her incredible insight on her legacy.

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