October 17 - 19, 2024|Orlando, Florida
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Estate Planning Specialists LLC.

Booth: 503
Estate Planning Specialists was established in 1988 to help clients nationwide keep their wealth in the family and totally disinherit the IRS through proper estate planning. For 34 years, the company has focused on valid tactical strategies to distribute assets to future generations while accumulating and preserving wealth in safe money investments. Estate Planning Specialists' personalized estate analysis and services are recommended by Dr. Mark Skousen, Forecasts & Strategies; Dr. David Eifrig, Retirement Millionaire; Terry Savage, The Savage Truth on Money; Robert Carlson, Retirement WatchThe Street Authority; and The Oxford Club. Headquartered in Arizona, Estate Planning Specialists has affiliate offices in every state and is in association with the estate planning law firm of Durfee Law Group, PLLC.