October 17 - 19, 2024|Orlando, Florida
Questions? Call: 1-800-970-4355

Al Brooks, MD's Schedule

Professional Trader, Author, Lecturer
Brooks Price Action, LLC and Brooks Trading Course
Al Brooks, MD, has been a professional trader for more than 30 years. He is an international lecturer on trading and the author of several best-selling trading books and www.brookstradingcourse.com. With 130 hours of videos, the Brooks Trading Course is the most comprehensive information on how to trade and it has excellent reviews.

Register Now to meet me and other top money experts IN PERSON in Orlando, Florida!

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  1. Talk to Top Money Experts Up Close and in Person
  2. Discover New Investment Opportunities
  3. Get Live Market Analysis, Research Reports, & Hands-on Demos
  4. Network with Other Savvy Investors
  5. Win Daily Cash Prizes, Shares of Stock, & Swag